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Personal server

2018 - Present
GitLab Repository

OS: Debian 10.
Services: Nextcloud, mail server, Teamspeak server, IPsec.

NGINX: configured for Nextcloud and Z-Push.
Nextcloud: IMAP authentication; CalDAV & CardDAV.
Z-Push: integration between Nextcloud’s CalDAV and CardDAV, Postfix’s SMTP and Dovecot’s IMAP for ActiveSync support.

Postfix: TLS enabled; configured with support for Postfixadmin: multi-domain, virtual users and aliases, database SMTP authentication.
Dovecot: TLS required; database IMAP authentication; support for sieve filters.

Most of the system is managed by Puppet (standalone).
Puppet modules don’t always support every possibile configuration tweak: some configuration files are rsynced from the repository to the server via GitLab CI.